If you want to learn to use hfss , start from the basics and do not jump steps. Radiation boundary is set a box around the object. Originally Posted by Shehata. Originally Posted by sloty. Previous 1 2 Next. Is it possible to design entire antenna and not a half or quater of it to use it? ansoft hfss antenna design kit

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Hi guys, Can some one explain me how to use symmetry planes in hfss. Originally Posted by akedar. This tool allows antenna designers to efficiently analyze common antenna types using HFSS and also assists new users in learning to use HFSS for antenna design.

ansoft hfss antenna design kit

Dont know what would be optimum parameters for simulation I used antenna design kit and the design gave me good return loss db at Electromagnetic Design and Simulation:: I checked and hsfs has PIFA models as well.

I am trying to design a helix antenna at 9 GHz. It should help you generate hfss models within seconds. The design kit can be integrated into the HFSS user interface or launched from the standard Windows menu.

RF, Microwave, Antennas and Optics:: The time now is Need ufss quick start in Antenna simulation Similarly when I have tried with Patch with different feeds only the inset feed is giving S11 value very near to the freq where as the remaining feeds are not so. Originally Posted by anuradhabit. Go to Profile Mark as Read.

Input impedance, Return loss, 3d Radiation pattern, 2d Radiation pattern will be generated Is there any alternative for downloading hfss antenna design kit v2. I have synthesized PIFA for 4. Excellent Good Average Bad Terrible.

ansoft hfss antenna design kit

Need to create a "virtual air box" for solve far field used, also can read hfss workshop Chapter3 will antenja helpful. I'm new to hfss so it came with this thing called the " antenna design kit " and I was able to generate a model of a helical If you want to learn to use hfssstart from the basics and do not jump steps.

Hfss Antenna Design Kit.

Could someone help me to find the Antenna Design Kit plz?

Normally, I choose which frequency I want to ansogt and kir the result in it at the first step. But the S11 has least value at 4. It should contain Patch array and mechanical yagi, and log periodic antenna too Some one help me in designing Patch rectangular array.

Radiation pattern and solution frequency in HFSS. Hello, I'm new to hfss and im trying to design a helical antenna I also tried using the design kit but i prefer doing it by myself.

Could someone help me to find the Antenna Design Kit plz?

Available antennas in the current release include planar and wire dipole, rectangular and elliptical patch, pyramidal, sectoral, and conical horn, rectangular and circular waveguide, planar and conical spiral, tapered slot, log-periodic, inverted-F, bowtie, biconical antennas, as well as many ansofy Driven modal in hfss.

Are you using hfss?

I'm trying to simulate the magnetic field between two LC circuits a distance Z apart and find out the Q and S parameters of the system so I can see the efficiency and whatnot. Please help me in this.

ansoft hfss antenna design kit

HFSS Using symmetry planes.


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